Condolence letter and reply for bangladeshi corporate office of muslim's death news ..........

Email format of condolence letter on Muslims deaths.
It is with deep personal regret that I inform you of Mr. Abc's death. Each of us not only grieves at the passing of a tremendous individual but also for the loss his family suffers.

Mr. Abc was the land lord of our Uttara Data Center building at house..., road........., Dhaka, where we have set up and run our office nicely with his nice great cooperative support to us for years.
Please pray for him. May Allah grant him Jannatul Ferdous. May his family, relatives, friends and well wishers overcome this untimely lose of a great soul very soon..

Let's pray from the core of our hearts.

Dear Colleagues,

Our colleague Mr. ABC's father died in the evening, on today at (or date........ ).

We, all XYZ (company's name) employees express our deepest sympathetic condolence to the members of the bereaved family & friends and pray to the Almighty for the eternal peace of the departed soul. ​

May Allah help the family members, friends and relatives overcome this woe soon.

​Colleagues, please pray for his departed soul. May Allah forgive him and grant him Jannatul Ferdous. ​


Dear All,

Our ABC sir/colleague lost his/her father/mother last evening (time of the day). You may already have come to know the news of his departure from other colleagues.

This is an earnest request to all that pray for uncle's (change as required) departed soul. May he rest in peace forever. May Allah forgive him for his sins and grant him Jannatul Ferdous.

We, all XYZ (company name) employees express our sympathetic condolence to the members of the bereaved family & friends and pray to the Almighty for the eternal peace of his departed soul. ​

May Allah help the sir's family members, friends and relatives overcome this very woe soon.

Let's pray from our hearts.

Dear Sir/Madam,

With a very heavy heart I would like to inform you that our respected Director of (Company) Board and former Chairman (name) breathed his last at 2:40 am Thursday in Singapore(country or place). “Inna Lillahi Wa Inna ilihi Raziun”.

He was under treatment in a hospital at Singapore (or place name) since (specific date). Mr. (name) left behind his wife, a son, a daughter and a lot of admirers including us to mourn his death.
Late Mr. (name) joined the (Company) Board as a Director in (year) and was elected Chairman on (specific date) and continued till (date). He was re-elected as Director in (date, month) and served the company till his departure for the eternity.

The family informs us that his body would be brought to Dhaka on Friday and the Namaj E Janaza may be held after the Johr Prayer (time after any prayer) at (place or mosque of janajah) on March 5 (date), Saturday.

We are chalking out programs of condolence and prayers at (company name) and we pray to the Almighty Allah for the eternal peace of the departed soul .
Best regards,

(name of sender)

(name) sir, closest childhood friend of Chairman Sir ( business or service position) passed away yesterday in the USA.
​We, all (company name) employees express our deepest sympathetic condolence to the members of the bereaved family & friends and pray to the Almighty for the eternal peace of his departed soul. ​
May Allah help the family members, friends and relatives overcome this untimely woe soon.

(name) sir will always be remembered for his friendly appearance and good manner. He was always a nice man to everyone.

May Allah forgive him for any faults in his life and grant him Jannatul Ferdous.
We pray for him from our heart. 


​​Dear all,

We already know that our Chairman Sir's brother-in-law (name), (business or professional position) died of a cardiac arrest (disease details) on (day, date, time).

We convey our heartfelt condolence to late Professor's (position in business or service) family, relatives and friends.

(Name)'s Namaj-e-Janaja will be held at our national mosque (place of janaja) tomorrow after Jummah prayer. All are requested to join the Namaj-e-Janaja and pray for the departed soul.

May Almighty Allah keep him in peace in his afterlife, Ameen.

Dear Sir,

President, Members of the Board of Directors of (organization details) and all staff express deep shock and condolence at the news of sad demise of (name), (Former any designation or position)  who passed away today (day, date etc) at (time) (Innnah Lillahe Wa Innah Ilahe Rajeun). His Namaj E Janaza will be held today at (address, mosque, after which prayer). He will be buried at his family graveyard at (place of grave yeard).

You are requested to pray to the Almighty Allah for the salvation of the departed soul.

For more information, please contact (number, name etc)

Dear All, We announce with heavy heart that (name) , (mother or father of......), expired today, (date, day) at noon (Innah Lillahe Oa Inna Ilaihe Rajeun). She will be buried in Shariatpur at the family graveyard. May Allah shower mercy on her soul eternity, Ameen. Regards,

Types of standard replies:
Mr. ABC, my sincere condolence to you and your family at the loss of your beloved father. We all pray for the salvation of his soul and also remember him in our prayers.
PQR (Sender's name).


A good heart has stopped beating. A beautiful soul, full of love and faith, ascended to heaven, away from us, but closer to ALLAH. I will never forget his kindness & hospitality. May ALLAH give him eternal rest and the family the strength to bear the great pain. 
Uncle (desired word indication required) was a wonderful man ever I seen.


Dear (Name),

I am very sorry to hear that (departed one's name) is no longer with us. I got an email from (name) to know about this sad news. (name) forgot to inform this sad news. He was such a nice person. My mother/father/brother/sister/friend always remember him.

My sincere condolence to you. May Allah grant him the Jannatul Ferdous. 

I tired to call you (today/any time), but could not get you.

Take care of yourself.



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